Our Mission

The 417 Project is a nonprofit organization that acts as a bridge to help victims of sexual exploitation walk in full restoration. We chose “417” because of a verse in the Bible. James 4:17 , “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.” We take that verse very seriously. We don't want to be an organization that sees statistics like “68% of women in street-based sex work meet diagnostic criteria for PTSD ”  and ignore them.  

We at the 417 Project feel called to help undo the dehumanizing work men have done. We use the tool of therapy to help heal and untangle the trauma many in this industry have faced. We believe in holistic healing and also provide care kits for those in immediate need.

Although this is a big, multifaceted issue, we believe there are actions we can take to help deliver hope and healing in our community.